WoW!!! The google play store has finally launced a new app Known as the windows 8 Launcher for android devices, this application serves as an Emulator in an android device which simulates almost all windows 8 features.
This is a pretty cool app that was recently lauched Dec, 17, 2013, hmmm, seems nice lauching so many interesting apps durning this festive period.

What are the key features of this app
1) Change icon/tile icon size using Menu>>Icon Size
2) News Service : Select your preferred country for news using Menu>>Prefs>>News Country
3) Weather Service : Based on your current location, local weather details are available.
4) Stock Market updates : Select your preferred Stock Market using Menu>>Prefs>>Stock Market
5) Click on icon/tile will bring up (launch) the associated app, (This application will try to associate most common applications like dialer, messsage, google play, etc) if you are clicking first time and no application is associated then list of all installed apps will be opened and you can associate any app of your wish to this tile.
* Change App - Change the launching app and icon will be replaced with app default icon on home screen.
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7) There are 4 additional icons/tiles which can be customized as per your need.
8) Many tiles like Clock, Weather, Sticky Notes, Stock Market, etc
New in V2.0.1 :
-Integration with Homebase lock screen
-Minor defect fixes
New in V2.0 :
-Weather : Upgraded to premium service
New in V1.8 :
-Favorite contact defect fix
New in V1.7.2 :

-Favorite contact enhancements
-Alert message enhancements
-Minor Defect fixes
New in V1.7.1 :
- Weather enhancements
- Minor Defect fixes
New in V1.5 :
-Weather live tile with 3 days forecast
-Minor Defect fixes
New in V1.4.2 :
-Message(SMS) tile defect fix
-Stock Market tile enhancements
New in V1.4.1 :
-Weather update : option to select unit of temperature from prefs
-Clock update : option to select 12h or 24h clock from prefs
New in V1.4 :
-Live tile enhancements
-Menu changes with new preference page (easy access to live tiles settings)
New in V1.3.1 :
-Weather defect fix
-Add/Remove tiles defect fix
New in V1.3 :
-Performance improvements
-Updated News live tile
-Minor defect fixes
New in V1.2 :
-Forced close defect fix
-Gallery image click fix
-Add and Remove different tile style.
Where Can i download it?
You can get this very nice application on either your playstore or you can download it Here.
This is a pretty cool app that was recently lauched Dec, 17, 2013, hmmm, seems nice lauching so many interesting apps durning this festive period.

What are the key features of this app
1) Change icon/tile icon size using Menu>>Icon Size
2) News Service : Select your preferred country for news using Menu>>Prefs>>News Country
3) Weather Service : Based on your current location, local weather details are available.
4) Stock Market updates : Select your preferred Stock Market using Menu>>Prefs>>Stock Market
5) Click on icon/tile will bring up (launch) the associated app, (This application will try to associate most common applications like dialer, messsage, google play, etc) if you are clicking first time and no application is associated then list of all installed apps will be opened and you can associate any app of your wish to this tile.
* Change App - Change the launching app and icon will be replaced with app default icon on home screen.
Recommended:- How to verify if your techno phone is genuine
7) There are 4 additional icons/tiles which can be customized as per your need.
8) Many tiles like Clock, Weather, Sticky Notes, Stock Market, etc
New in V2.0.1 :
-Integration with Homebase lock screen
-Minor defect fixes
New in V2.0 :
-Weather : Upgraded to premium service
New in V1.8 :
-Favorite contact defect fix
New in V1.7.2 :

-Favorite contact enhancements
-Alert message enhancements
-Minor Defect fixes
New in V1.7.1 :
- Weather enhancements
- Minor Defect fixes
New in V1.5 :
-Weather live tile with 3 days forecast
-Minor Defect fixes
New in V1.4.2 :
-Message(SMS) tile defect fix
-Stock Market tile enhancements
New in V1.4.1 :
-Weather update : option to select unit of temperature from prefs
-Clock update : option to select 12h or 24h clock from prefs
New in V1.4 :
-Live tile enhancements
-Menu changes with new preference page (easy access to live tiles settings)
New in V1.3.1 :
-Weather defect fix
-Add/Remove tiles defect fix
New in V1.3 :
-Performance improvements
-Updated News live tile
-Minor defect fixes
New in V1.2 :
-Forced close defect fix
-Gallery image click fix
-Add and Remove different tile style.
Where Can i download it?
You can get this very nice application on either your playstore or you can download it Here.
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Windows 8 Launcher now avaliable for android device
Anyikwa chinonso
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